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Exhibitor Products

Health and Wellbeing at Work

Exhibitor Products

  • Flow tDCS Headset for Depression

    31 Jan 2024 Flow Neuroscience

    The Flow tDCS headset brings previously in-clinic techniques directly to your home to treat the physical root causes of depression. Flow can help with symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.

  • Giving leaders the tools they need to spot the signs and have more meaningful conversations about wellbeing.

    • Address the three key areas of Capability, Confidence and Community

    • Access tailored toolkits, resources and workshops

    • Integrates with existing initiatives and strategy

  • The 'Full Monty' Wellbeing Programme.

    The full works! Taking your organisation on a journey, this immersive 12-18 month programme enables businesses to create rapid and sustainable change.

    • Access a clear routemap for better business through better wellbeing for your organisation

    • Follows three clear stages of explore, empower and embed

    • Access best practice, build a sense of community, establish accountability, exclusive access to resource

  • A powerful independent assessment of what is working, potential blind spots and untapped opportunities.

    • Gain deep penetrating insights into the true state of wellbeing in your workplace

    • Curated to meet your particular needs from a menu of options

    • Team and organisational versions available

  • A flexible tool for conducting airborne hazard studies and assessing mitigation strategies, the ASYS dBELL 110 IIoT Multi-tool can be deployed as a personal exposure dosemeter, a handheld instrument or a remote monitor compatible with the ASYS dBELL IIoT ecosystem.

  • A flexible tool for conducting occupational noise studies and assessing mitigation strategies, the ASYS dBELL 108 IIoT Multi-tool can be deployed as a personal exposure dosemeter, a handheld instrument or a remote monitor compatible with the ASYS dBELL IIoT ecosystem.

  • Compliance made easy with ASYS dBELL 100 Indoor Air Quality and Noise measurement systems.

  • Group Resilience Coaching

    Have your groups of employees been affected by stress?

    Are they struggling with daily tasks, feeling overwhelmed or taking time off?

    Is stress affecting team working, cohesion and collaboration?

    Group resilience coaching can help

  • Has your work functioning been affected by stress?

    Are you struggling with daily tasks, feeling overwhelmed or taking time off?

    Have you tried other sources of support with little improvement?

    Our Burnout Clinic will help.

  • E-learning Resilience Training Course

    Are you struggling with stress but don’t have time to access support or training that will help?

    Do you want to build skills that boost capacity for wellbeing and resilience both now and over the longer term?

    Do your other commitments, geographical location or psychological challenges make it difficult to attend in-person training?

    ​This course is available to individuals and self-funders through our online learning platform.



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