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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Wellbeing Programmes.

Psychology Works Stand: 184

This is an immersive 12-18 month programme to enable businesses to create rapid and sustainable change.

The programme provides a clear routemap for better business through better wellbeing. It follows three clear stages of explore, empower and embed:

1. Explore: Diagnose + Define.

An initial discovery phase to crunch the numbers and get the conversation started around wellbeing.

Primary sources of stress, risk and poor mental health identified. Programme priorities, design and ROI metrics agreed.

2. Empower: Equip + Empower.

Creating a sense of ownership, momentum and the laying foundations for long term change.

Individual and team-based activities translating insights into action. Support systems are enhanced, strategy  established.. Manage | Refuel | Recover | Lead

3. Embed: Embed + Elevate.

This final phase embeds the new working practices  to ’business as usual’ to support sustainable wellbeing.

Using a structure of one theme per quarter, affirmative action for positive mental health and wellbeing is normalised. Mental Health at Work Plan, or equivalent wellbeing strategy now fully implemented.  Opportunities to elevate and expand identified.


Who is this for?

Businesses ready to take a structured and immersive approach to embedding wellbeing into their organsation. They may have:

  • Identified wellbeing as a strategic priority, but don’t know where to start. And/or
  • Tried implementing wellbeing related initiatives in the past, but have seen little return on that investment.

Find out more...

To find out more just give us a shout: 01273 569314 or email

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