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Health and Wellbeing at Work

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  • According to research from the CIPD 2024 Neuro-inclusion at Work Report, while 83% of employers surveyed said the wellbeing of their people was a critical priority, only 60% said that neuro-inclusion ...
  • At Lexxic, we partner with organisations around the globe to provide neurodiversity support services; including neurodiversity diagnostics, assessments and Workplace Needs Assessments (WPAs). These on ...
  • Tea, coffee, and how not to confuse your autistic colleagues

    Grace Liu, autistic author, blogger, public speaker and pet portrait artist
    “I thought you’d know that by now!” This is something I have heard too many times from managers. It’s a common struggle; they will set me a task, and I will follow my interpretation of their instructi ...
  • AI in the Workplace: Balancing Innovation and Employee Wellbeing

    09 Jul 2024 Andrew Davidson, Partner and National Head of Employment, Hempsons
    The Rise of AI in the Workplace AI, often described as "the science of making machines smart", is increasingly being used by employers to streamline processes and make faster, more reliable decisions. ...
  • What’s Fair? Addressing Wellbeing for Neurodivergent Workers.

    Dr Nancy Doyle, Visiting Professor at Birkbeck, University of London and Founder of Genius Within CIC.
    Dr Damian Milton proposed the ‘Double Empathy Problem,’ in 2012. He was making a critique of the idea that Autistic people lack empathy, by pointing out that neurotypical attempts to teach Autistic pe ...
  • 1. Educate and Inform Start by educating employees about the benefits of a balanced diet. Organise lunchtime webinars or workshops with nutrition experts who can offer insights into healthy eating. Pr ...
  • During the pandemic we saw  increasing recognition of the importance of evidence based OH practices to enable essential work activity to continue (for example vulnerability assessments and exposure co ...
  • Developing line managers into stress (not stressful) managers

    11 Jun 2024 Rachel Lewis and Jo Yarker, Managing Partners at Affinity Health at Work
    With mental ill-health costing UK employers an estimated £34.9 billion a year, and increasing pressures on retention and absence, it is not surprising that employers are looking to upskill their manag ...
  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Legal Considerations and Best Practices

    Andrew Davidson, Partner and National Head of Employment, Hempsons
    Understanding Neurodiversity Neurodiversity refers to the different ways in which people’s brains work and interpret information. These differences are natural and should be recognized and valued in t ...
  • Sick of work : What is happening to young people in the workplace?

    06 May 2024 Lauren Mistry, Deputy CEO of Youth Employment UK
    Much has been made of the mental health crises young people are currently facing across education and for those looking for work. The latest ONS figures show the current economic inactivity rate for y ...
  • Mental illness: a modern-day problem?

    Libby Morley-Hassanali, Vice Chair, on behalf of iOH, The Association of OH and WB Professionals and owner of Mindshift Consultancy
    Mental ill health: a very brief history Evidence spanning centuries tells us that ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese and Indians experienced challenges to their mental fitness. The causes were typical ...
  • No Mind Left Behind

    Andrew Berry - Mind
    Mental health at work    Our most recent Workplace Wellbeing Index findings, published in February 2024, found that mental health has improved on the previous year and more employees are taking time o ...
  • What exactly is a progressive mental health policy? First and foremost, a progressive mental health policy starts with an understanding of the impact mental health has on each workplace differently. F ...



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