Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Letter B Zofia Bajorek Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies linkedin Rob Baker Founder and Chief Positive Deviant, Tailored Thinking Kevin Bampton CEO, British Occupational Hygiene Society facebook linkedin twitter Maira Bana CFD Manager, RED Engineering Design and Trustee, SheCanEngineer Karl Bennett Chair, Employee Assistance Programme Association (EAPA) Andrew Berrie Head of Workplace Wellbeing, Mind Stephen Bevan Principal Associate, Institute for Employment Studies Dominic Biles Director of Organisational Development, People & Culture, Arqiva Matt Birtles Principal Ergonomist, HSE Carol Black GBE Silvia Bogan Senior Business Psychologist, City, University of London linkedin Lauren Booker Associate, Alcohol Change UK linkedin twitter Steven Boorman CBE Chair, Council for Work and Health; Chair, NHSE GOWBT Steering Group and Director of Employee Health, Empactis linkedin Sophie Bostock Founder and Sleep Scientist, TheSleepScientist.com Louise Boston Health & Wellbeing Manager, E.ON John Briffa Coach and Director, Healthy High Performance linkedin Susan Bright CEO, Employers' Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA) Marcia Brissett-Bailey Top 50 Neurodivergent Women in the UK Sue Brown Chief Executive, Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) Peter Buckle Principal Research Fellow, Imperial College London Nicola Bullen Deputy Chair, NHS Health at Work Network and Assistant Director, Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing, University Hospitals Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust Kim Burton OBE Occupational Health Researcher, University of Huddersfield Christina Butterworth Chair, Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing