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Speakers form


Speakers form

Thank you for agreeing to speak at Health & Wellbeing at Work.

Please complete and submit the speaker details below. Details provided will be used to register you for a speaker badge, populate the official online conference programme and be included in promotional material relating to the event. 

(This will not be published)
(This will not be published)
If you are speaking on behalf of a sponsor or exhibitor, they should cover your costs. If we confirm your session and you need to cancel, we cannot cover any expenses. Once we notify you of your session time if you feel you need hotel accommodation, we will organise this on your behalf - accommodation is dependent upon the timing of your session and journey and not provided automatically.

Click 'Upload' button to change image.

Your headshot will be used on your speaker profile, within the Event Guide and on marketing materials. Please ensure this is a high-quality, clear image of yourself with no one else in the image.
Please note sessions should not be used to commercially sell and promote products and services. They must also not be offensive, defamatory or political in nature. Where possible, content should include evidence, research, applicable information and case studies. Sessions should also include practical tips and advice delegates can take away and implement within their workplaces.



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