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Health and Conditions

Health and Wellbeing at Work

Health and Conditions

Health and Conditions

Health and Conditions

Discussing best practice in supporting the overall health needs and specific health conditions of your workforce. The Health and Conditions stream includes sessions from event collaborators ISCP, HSE and Institute for Employment Studies with topics such as Health Screening, Supporting good Heart Health and the Emergence of Self Diagnostic Tests.


Location - Gallery 1-3

Health and Conditions
    • Health and Conditions
    An overview, using clinical cases from the clinic, of current issues in occupational lung diseases
    • Health and Conditions
    A look at the self-tests and self-sample tests which have become commercially available in the last year, findings of investigations of their suitability and performance and the regulatory processes t ...
    • Health and Conditions
    By their nature, chronic health conditions are persistent long-term conditions that can severely impact people’s ability to work and quality of life. Health coaching can be an important addition to me ...
    ISCP Logo
    • Health and Conditions
    An overview and update from HSE on the performance of health surveillance. Understand the importance of health surveillance, how it is required in health and safety regulations, what needs to happen a ...
    HSE Logo
    • Health and Conditions
    Every 3 minutes someone in the UK dies from a heart or circulatory disease. High risk factors are conditions or habits that increase your risk of developing a disease.  These factors may include high ...
    • Health and Conditions
    A look at the specific difficulties faced by those returning to or attempting to remain in work who have had bowel cancer or experience bowel conditions such as IBD or IBS and the ways in which workpl ...
    • Health and Conditions
    Migraine is a common and disabling primary headache disorder. It is the third most common disease in the world (behind dental caries) in both males and females. Globally, it is the highest cause of ye ...
    • Health and Conditions
    Obesity is a topic that a lot of people have an opinion on, but more commonly than not it is a negative one.  Obesity stigma is prevalent in all aspects of a person’s life, and the workplace is no dif ...
    IES Logo
    • Health and Conditions
    This session will discuss the importance of recognising and addressing metabolic syndrome in the police. This will include current national initiatives such as the use of Oscar Kilo (OK) wellbeing van ...
    • Health and Conditions
    The groups of young people and types of workplaces which are likely to benefit most from interventions to promote better diet, exercise and sleep patterns What employers and decision makers in Governm ...
    IES Logo
Health and Conditions
    • Health and Conditions
    Research on presenteeism, defined as working when feeling unwell, is recognised as highly prevalent phenomenon across all occupations and significantly costly not only in terms of organisational produ ...
    • Health and Conditions
    Maintaining work ability for people with health problems is an unsolved, and a current policy focus. We know from the available scientific evidence much of what works, yet transferring that knowledge ...
    • Health and Conditions
    There is a tendency to under-recognise the importance of biological sex and socio-cultural gender differences on both physical and emotional health.  There is much that can be gained through more gend ...
    • Health and Conditions
    In this impactful session, Medigold’s Chief Nursing Officer, Nicky Piper, and Mental Health Training Specialist, Barrie Norman Jnr, will be opening up the conversation on some of the main health issues affecting men and what employers can do to support better men’s health.
    Medigold Health logo
    • Health and Conditions

    Employers work hard to create an environment that makes their employees feel welcome and engaged so that they are able perform to the best of their abilities. Despite the rise in profile and commitment to DEI the inadequate gender data is impacting the workplace experience of 50% of the population. Join us to hear from Elisabeth (Co-founder of Mondays) about the wide-ranging benefits of a menstrual health policy in the workplace for all employees, management, the wider community and our planet. Learning outcomes for delegates: Why is supporting employees through menstruation and menopause the most impactful investment a company can make in 2024. The arguments we’ve heard against this initiative and the data on why they are wrong. How to talk about menstrual equity in the workplace and the 3 must do’s to implement a best practice menstrual health policy (using case-studies) that will ensure the best return on investment for all stakeholders.

    • Health and Conditions
    This session will provide an understanding of how VR supports people with stroke to rehabilitate, recover and RTW.  
    Vocational Rehab Logo
    • Health and Conditions
    This session will focus on different forms of support for workers with long-term conditions, at home or hybrid and provide greater awareness about the support needs of workers with long-term health co ...
    • Health and Conditions
    Fatigue is one of the top 4 topics that the occupational health and safety professional needs to have a better understanding of. For many workers driving or riding for work is the most dangerous activ ...
    ROSPA Logo



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