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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Kath Wood

Kath Wood

Disability Training & Consultancy Specialist, Medigold Health

 Kath’s journey has been fuelled by an unwavering commitment to making a difference. With a degree in Psychology, she dove headfirst into a 15-year adventure, working closely with clients facing autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, and complex mental health conditions. As the Lead for Products and Services at Medigold’s Disability Training and Consultancy team, she crafts solutions that empower managers and HR professionals. Disability, mental health, and neurodiversity are her focus, and she delivers with expertise and empathy. Kath’s voice resonates beyond boardrooms. She’s graced the stage at the Society for Education and Training conference, shedding light on autism, and at the Dyspraxia Foundation’s annual event, she led a transformative workshop. Armed with a BSc in Psychology and the TAP Diploma in Learning and Development, Kath is a force for positive change. Her passion ignites progress, one step at a time. 




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