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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Karen McDonnell

Karen McDonnell

Occupational Health and Safety Policy Adviser, RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Protection of Accidents)
United Kingdom
Karen is Occupational Health and Safety Policy Adviser at RoSPA and Head of RoSPA Scotland. She is a highly motivated advocate for OSH, skilled in partnership working , with a track record of working with key stakeholders across the world. A broad range of strategic and operational experience gained over 30 years whilst working for RoSPA, a registered charity at the heart of accident prevention encouraging the adoption of a 'wholeperson wholelife' approach to prevention, putting people at the heart of sustainability. Focussing on the working age population and key issues including fatigue she has the ability to influence and motivate others.

Karen represents RoSPA on the Sleep Charity Advisory Board, the Council for Work and Health, the International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations and the Asia Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organisation.



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