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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Elisabeth Eades

Elisabeth Eades

OH Standards, Workstream Lead, College of Policing and National Police Wellbeing Service
United Kingdom
Elisabeth (Liz) Eades BSc (Hons) RN, OHND, SCPHN-OH, CMIOSH

Occupational Health Advisor to the National Police Wellbeing Service (Interim)

After general nursing training and experience in A&E, Elisabeth specialised in Occupational Health, completing her specialist qualifications and subsequently working in a number of roles in industries ranging from retail, call centres, NHS and a utility company. In 2007 she was recruited by Surrey Police to be Head of OH Services. In her 12 years with the police service, she developed and enhanced the OH provision to the force including the project to merge OH services with Sussex Police. In 2019, she joined NPWS as an OH Subject Matter Expert. In this role, she leads a delivery programme  to develop national OH Standards and Practice in policing




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