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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Catherine Macadam

Catherine Macadam

Coach and Co-Director, Coaching for Unpaid Carers CIC
United Kingdom
Catherine worked for 20+ years in local government in a variety of roles. As Leadership and Management Development lead for a London council, she introduced coaching and mentoring, trained as a coach and supported staff through numerous changes and reorganisations.

When working while caring for her mother and two small children became too much, she became an independent coach working in the third sector and worked as a lay board member for the BMA/NHS for 10 years, leading on patient and public involvement, equalities, diversity and inclusion.

Catherine has been coaching unpaid carers for 13 years; having herself experienced the stress and overload that so often accompanies caring, she has seen how coaching can offer personalised support which enables people to profoundly transform their lives. In 2019, together with Katharine Collins, she set up Coaching for Unpaid Carers CIC to make coaching more widely available to unpaid carers. 



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