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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Arabella Ashfield

Arabella Ashfield

Founder, Ascending Motherhood
United Kingdom
Arabella is an executive coach who specialises in supporting women through the motherhood journey. She provides support in navigating the transition back to work after maternity leave helping women find clarity in their work roles, build their confidence, and set expectations for themselves at work and at home. She helps them understand and navigate maternal guilt and their newfound identity. Arabella is a mental health first aider, with a PhD in wellbeing and understanding living optimally. She combines honed applied coaching skills with extensive knowledge from a background in positive psychology research and has over a decade of experience supporting high-performing people in elite sport through transitions, understanding themselves and improving their well-being. Combining her skills and experience she created Ascending Motherhood providing coaching for a happier journey through motherhood.



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