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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Anthony Woolf

Prof Anthony Woolf

Co-Chair, Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health
United Kingdom
Professor Anthony Woolf is a consultant rheumatologist. He has worked at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, UK and held honorary chairs at Universities of Exeter and Plymouth. He is past chair of ARMA and co-chair of the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-MUSC). His work focuses on influencing policy and practice nationally and internationally providing the evidence for gaining priority. He works with NHS England, OHID/Public Health England and Department of Work and Pensions and with WHO and EU to ensure musculoskeletal health is in all policies – health, social and employment. A major focus is on reducing the impact that musculoskeletal conditions have on people’s ability to work, including advising the Joint Work and Health Unit, UK and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) as well as developing practical solutions for employers such as the ‘MSK Aware’ programme .



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