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Health and Wellbeing at Work

27 Feb 2024

SuperChamps Wellbeing Champion Training

Superwellness Stand: 145

Wellbeing champions are essential for a successful wellbeing programme, bridging the gap between the wellbeing team and the workforce. 

We called them SuperChamps! 

With proper training and support, they ensure the strategy reaches all teams, effectively communicating it, addressing barriers to engagement, and relaying colleague feedback for programme improvement.

For 12 years, we've advocated for a grassroots approach to workplace wellbeing, emphasising the importance of champions in building trust and peer influence, unlike top-down or one-size-fits-all approaches that often disappoint in engagement and sustainability.


For this reason, we’ve invested much thought and energy into developing our wellbeing champion programmes over the past years, working closely with our clients to understand the realities involved and develop tried-and-tested approaches, which can then be tailored to different work environments.

SuperChamps, our health and wellbeing champions programme, is a way to help those advocates feel equipped with everything they need to engage colleagues – regular CPD accredited training, a community of peers from across industries, and a wealth of resources and toolkits that’s constantly being added to.

Whether you already have a network of health and wellbeing champions or you’re a small or even solo wellbeing team planning to expand your wellbeing reach, SuperChamps is here to enrich your strategy and make your life easier.

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