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Health and Wellbeing at Work

Minerva Hearing Protection: Precision Filtered, Custom Fit WorkPlugs

Minerva Hearing Stand: 52

Minerva Hearing Protection WorkPlugs contain precision acoustic filters that protect against damaging workplace noise while allowing you to continue hearing important workplace sounds like speech and alarms. Every set of WorkPlugs are custom made in the UK for your unique ear shape. They are designed for comfort and long periods of daily use.

When compared with the cost of foam ear plugs, over their lifetime, Minerva’s hearing protection WorkPlugs can make up to a 75% cost saving and significantly reduce environmentally damaging waste. For more information go to -

  • Protect against damaging workplace background noise and spikes in noise.
  • Continue hearing speech and other important workplace sounds.
  • Customised for a snug fit to the ear canal.
  • Attached to safety cord.
  • Medical grade soft silicon or acrylic.
  • Metal detectable option.
  • Available in a range of colours.

SNR 19dB, 23dB and 30dB
Tested and certified to EN 352-2:2002

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