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Making Stress Work

Lyfe Wellbeing Stand: 64

Stress is part of everyday life for many people. In fact, the constant juggling of the demands and responsibilities of a busy life makes stress par for the course.

Some of us thrive under pressure. We feel like we work better under it, and we experience a sense of gratification when we hit that tight deadline, or deliver that presentation, or beat whatever the cause of overwhelm is that makes our blood pump.

But there’s a danger zone, when good stress reaches a tipping point. Therefore, it’s vital to be able to recognise and understand the difference between good pressure that causes our adrenaline to rush… And when bad stress starts to creep in, with a very negative sting in its tail.

You will:
• Identify when stress works for you, and when it doesn’t.
• Learn to know what your triggers are in order to minimise and control them.
• Establish what your stress signature is.
• Share coping strategies to reduce stress and feel more in control of the controllable, and the uncontrollable, too.

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