Key Considerations for Developing a Wellbeing Programme
12 Mar 2025
Management and Leadership
Many organisations want to take a systematic approach to assessing, protecting, developing and supporting employee mental health and wellbeing. As a result there has been a rapid growth in the availability of frameworks, standards, charters, pledges, accreditations and awards. These however differ greatly in terms of scope, geographical coverage, level of requirement, evidence base and conceptualisation of mental health and wellbeing. This means that not only is it hard for organisations to recognise how best to comprehensively assess and develop a wellbeing programme, but also that, by focusing on one framework, key considerations may be missed. This presentation will detail the results of a rigorous two year programme which aimed at synthesising national and international frameworks, and developing and testing a 'meta-framework' - therefore enabling organisations to understand the key elements to assess when developing a wellbeing programme.