Liggy Webb
- | Corporate Healthcare
- | Drug & Alcohol Testing
- | Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Services
- | Financial Wellbeing
- | Health Screening & Promotion
- | HR Services
- | Learning & Development
- | Mental Health & Wellbeing, Stress Management
- | Occupational Health
- | Sickness Absence Assessment and Management
There are 30 topics in Liggy Webb’s life skills series that will help people to be fit for the future and fully equipped to deal with life’s various challenges. The life skills are available as bite-sized books and webinars and are designed to provide accessible, uplifting and practical content that is straightforward to navigate and easy to apply.
Bite-sized books
Each book takes about 10 minutes to read and they are available in paper and digital format. The digital books can be licensed annually on a wide range of organisational platforms and a free trial to view the library is available upon request.
The interactive webinars are available as live 60-minute sessions that can be tailored to suit your specific needs and are also available in a shorter on- demand format.
LWL Ltd33 Southwood Lane
GL50 2QH
United Kingdom
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We are living in a VUCA world A technological revolution is taking place that will fundamentally change the way we live, work and relate to one another. The scale, scope, complexity and transformation ...
Living with technology Technology plays a big part in all our lives and there are a lot of different ways to think about how we can live well with technology. It can be a powerful tool for learning, c ...
A preview of the webinar style for Liggy Webb's empowering life skills. Available for LMS, intranet, Sharepoint, Teams
Small books that start big conversations
Liggy Webb’s bite-sized book series covers 30 topics focused on essential life skills. Each book is crafted to empower individuals to be fit for the future.