K2 Occupational Health
Stand: 41
- | Drug & Alcohol Testing
- | Health Screening & Promotion
- | Mental Health & Wellbeing, Stress Management
- | Occupational Health
- | Sickness Absence Assessment and Management
K2 Occupational Health provide clients with a wide range of extensive services, aligned with our clients continually changing needs. For the core Occupational Health Service, we offer bespoke flexible hybrid models supporting remote, face to face (F2F) On clients site and at our local clinics. When there is no clear standard treatment pathway we are able to Triage cases via our multidisciplinary clinical team which includes, Technicians, Occupational Health Nurse/Advisor, Consultant Occupational Physicians, Psycologists, Physiotherapist, Neurodiversity specialists or Mental Health First Aid Instructors.
Beech Court4 Beech Court
Wokingham Road
RG10 0RQ
United Kingdom