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Event Partners

Health and Wellbeing at Work


Conference Partner

COHPA (The Commercial Occupational Health Providers Association) is a not-for-profit association of Occupational Health and Wellbeing Providers. COHPA aims to build awareness and understanding of Occupational Health and how it can support employers and employees in the workplace. COHPA work for members to provide commercial support in the following ways:

  • Providing members with regular new business prospects directly from employers
  • Providing updated Industry news
  • Sourcing special discounts for members on Occupational Health related goods and services
  • Organising informative and relevant speaker meetings
  • Training
  • Providing useful commercial resources to help OH businesses grow
  • Raise the profile of OH, COHPA and its Members by proactively networking with businesses and organisations
  • Representing COHPA members, by working with industry and government steering groups to influence increased training, funding, usage and understanding of OH.
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